One-time charges

One-time Charges

To call the API you should send an HTTP POST or GET request.

Required parameters (All Requests)

The following parameters must be sent through with each API call you make.

Variable Name Example Description Restrictions
campaign_name joebloggs Your company/campaign name in our platform Between 2 and 30 alphanumeric characters
api_key 88C3CF364123A25BBAB687D4FE8EC628 Your password/API key in our platform Will be provided on setup and can be found in your MyMessageCloud control panel.
value 1.00 The amount of money to charge the end user.  One or two digits, optionally followed by the decimal places, if required.
currency GBP The currency in which to charge the end user. This must always be  GBP in upper case.
name Access to my secret page The name of the product for which you are charging. This will be visible on the Payforit window. Max length: 35 characters
description Provides access to the secret members only page. A short description of what the end user is purchasing. Max length: 200 characters.
callback_url When the consumer has confirmed or declined the purchase, we can notify a URL of your choosing with the status  of the transaction.
Must be URL encoded
When the consumer has confirmed purchase, this is the page they will be redirected to by Payforit.Additionally, the transaction id will be appended to the parameters returned (parameter:   t)
Must be URL encoded
When the consumer has declined purchase, this is the page they will be redirected to by Payforit.Additionally, the 
transaction id will be appended to the parameters returned (parameter:   t)
Must be URL encoded