Finland DNA Direct Operator Billing

Direct Operator Billing Finland

Direct Operator Billing through Mobiilimaksu in Finland enables you to charge for your products and services directly to the mobile bill of your Finnish end users.


DNA commands a 24% market share of mobile communication in Finland. The following instructions will enable you to make a direct operator billing attempt to a customer of this network.

Transaction Flow

Start your billing attempt

To create a billing attempt you should send your HTTP GET requests to:

   <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>

The API expects the following parameters to be sent:

Variable Name Example Description Restrictions
cc joebloggs Your company name in our platform This must be between 2 and 30 alphanumeric characters
ekey 88C3CF364123A25BBAB687D4FE8EC628 Your ekey in our platform This will be provided on set up and is available in
msisdn 358400000000 The MSISDN of the end user to charge.
category 3 The type of content that is being bought by the end user (must match your original request to dna_session.php) 1 = General services, 2 = Consulting and ordering services, 3 = Entertainment services, 4 = Adult services
transaction_id I123456789 The transaction_id returned during the API call to dna_get_msisdn.php
price 1.00 The total value, in Euros, to charge the end user. This should be a value that has been previously arranged with MessageCloud
ref_id ef9ab47c8daa The ref_id that was provided to you during the inital API call to dna_session.php.

Interpreting the result

A successful call to this API will generate output similar to the following:

   status: "ok",
   status_message: "ok",
   ref_id: "I1234567890"

If the check is not successful you may receive an error similar to the following:

     status: "error",
     error_code: 2000,
     error_message: "Error during direct charge billing attempt!"

A full list of error codes is provided below for your reference.

Error code HTTP code Error description
5000 400 There was at least one parameter missing in the request. More details will be provided by the error message.
5001 400 At least one of the parameters would in the wrong format.
5002 403 We could not authenticate your cc/ekey credentials.
5003 500 When contacting DNA with your request it could not be completed successfully.
5004 503 There was an error when saving your request. If this problem persists please contact MessageCloud Support.
5005 400 The price point you chose was not available. Price points need to be configured by MessageCloud before they are available to you.
5006 503 There was an error when saving your response. If this problem persists please contact MessageCloud Support.
5007 500 Could not find the ref_id from the initial call to dna_session.php.
1000 400 Authentication failed to username/password check
1001 400 Authentication failed to IP check
1002 400 Internal error
1003 400 Subscriber barred
1100 400 Missing parameter ‘username’
1101 400 Missing parameter ‘password’
1102 400 Missing parameter ‘action’
1103 400 Missing parameter ‘transactionid’
1105 400 Missing parameter ‘price’ or ‘vatclass’
1106 400 Missing parameter ‘serviceid’
1500 400 Invalid parameter ‘username’
1501 400 Invalid parameter ‘password’
1502 400 Invalid parameter ‘action’
1503 400 Invalid parameter ‘transactionid’
1506 400 Invalid parameter ‘serviceid’
1508 400 Invalid parameter ‘servicegroupid’
1509 400 Invalid parameter ‘servicedescid’
1510 400 Invalid parameter ‘price’
1512 400 Invalid parameter ‘vatclass’
1600 400 Invalid Content-Type
1601 400 Invalid message
2000 400 Unknown transaction ID
2001 400 Expired transaction ID
3000 400 Subscriber check failed to connection error
3001 400 Subscriber check failed to unknown MSISDN
3002 400 Subscriber check failed to response timeout
3003 400 Subscriber check failed to barred MSISDN
4000 400 Prepaid charging failed to connection error
4001 400 Prepaid charging failed to insufficient balance
4002 400 Prepaid charging failed to response timeout
4003 400 Prepaid charging failed to Prepaid system error