Finland Elisa Direct operator billing

Direct Operator Billing Finland Elisa

MSISDN Forwarding is a process that enables you to capture a phone number (the MSISDN) for billing the end user via an approved flow between the mobile networks (the MNOs), MessageCloud’s platform, and your server. 

Now available in Finland for the first time, MSISDN Forwarding enables simpler premium rate services via MessageCloud's APIs, targeting 4.8 million mobile subscribers.

Please note that each of the MNOs in Finland implement MSISDN Forwarding in quite different ways, so you will need to ensure you take into account the differences. Our APIs will help you to integrate both kinds of implementation.

Together, Elisa and Saunalahati control 37% of the Finnish mobile market. Elisa acquired Saunalahati in 2005. Saunalahati is an MVNO, or virtual operator, which has its own branding but is powered by the Elisa mobile network, which means the approach to these MNOs is the same.

To use Elisa/Saunalahati MSISDN Forwarding, you will need to call our Retrieval API to request the MSISDN. Unlike Sonera, you cannot receive the MSISDN directly via Elisa/Saunalahati header enrichment.

Once you have the MSISDN, either through an API call or header enrichment, you can use it to complete the charge against the end user’s phone bill.

Transaction Flow

Making a billing attempt

You should send your HTTP GET requests to the following URL:

The API expects the following parameters to be sent:

Variable Name Example Description Restrictions
cc joebloggs Your company name in our platform This must be between 2 and 30 alphanumeric characters
ekey 88C3CF364123A25BBAB687D4FE8EC628 Your ekey in our platform This will be provided on set up and is available in
class sg1 The barring class of the product or service (see below)  
ip The IP address of the end user being charged Must be a valid IP address
transaction_id  154289130250073169514852 The transaction ID  
price 5.00 The price of the product or service that will be charged to the end user Must be the price in Euros to charge, including the decimal places
description My cool Finland product A short description of the product or service that is being purchased Must be between 5 and 25 characters
url The URL of the product or service Must be the URL from which the user browsing when the "Pay" button (or similar) was clicked
product My first product The name of the product or service that will appear on the bill of the end user This should enable the end user to quickly identify the service that was purchased (max 35 characters)

Available Classes

Telephone services have been divided into groups on the basis of their content.

  • Non-profit services
  • Online services
  • Entertainment services
  • Adult entertainment services

You should decide which class best represents your product or service and use one of the following values:
Class name Description
sg1 Non-profit services
sg2 Online services
sg3 Entertainment services
sg4 Adult services

Interpreting the result

A successful call to this API will generate output similar to the following: { status: "ok", status_message: "ok", ref_id: "154289130250073169514852", msisdn: "353123456789" }

The ref_id parameter can be used to refund the end user using a separate API call.

If the check is not successful you may receive an error similar to the following:

 {      status: "error",      error_code: 5000,      error_message: "Missing parameter: cc"  }

A full list of error codes is provided below for your reference.

Error code HTTP code Error description
5000 400 Your request was missing a required parameter. Details of the missing parameter will be returned in the error_message.
5001 400 One (or more) of the parameters you supplied were not formatted correctly. Details of the bad parameter will be returned in the error_message.
5002 403 The credentials you supplied could not be authorised. Please check the cc and ekey parameters.
5003 500 There was an error when we passed the billing request to Sonera.
5004 503 There was an internal error with the request. Please try again later.
5005 400 The price point you requested was not available. Please contact txtNation support if you wish to use this price point.
5006 503 There was an internal error with the request. Please try again later.
5007 400 The reference ID you provided could not be matched to an original transaction.
1022 400 IP address is invalid
1023 400 IP address doesn't match temporary ticket
1070 400 Service Url field is missing or empty
1072 400 Service URL is invalid
1080 400 Description field is missing or empty
1082 400 Description is invalid
1090 400 Class field is missing or empty
1092 400 Class is invalid
1120 400 Price field is missing or empty
1122 400 Price is invalid (negative amount)
1123 400 Committed price is lower than initial one
1124 400 Committed price is higher than initial one
1130 400 Service class field is missing or empty
1132 400 Service class is invalid
1140 400 Transaction ID field is missing or empty
1142 400 Transaction ID is invalid
1143 400 Transaction is not found
1150 400 MSISDN field is missing or empty
1152 400 MSISDN is invalid
1153 400 MSISDN does not match temporary ticket
1154 400 MSISDN is restricted
1155 400 Operator code is blocked
1156 400 IMSI is restricted
2000 400 Transaction rejected due to digital profile (EstoPM)
2001 400 Transaction rejected due to sg1 barring class (EstoP1)
2002 400 Transaction rejected due to sg2 barring class (EstoP2)
2003 400 Transaction rejected due to sg3 barring class (EstoP3)
2004 400 Transaction rejected due to sg4 barring class (EstoP4)
2005 400 Max price exceeded
3000 400 Transaction rejected due to Account Information and Refill (AIR) server error
4101 400 Transaction rejected due to Varma prepaid check HTTP request error
4102 400 Transaction rejected due to Varma prepaid check I/O error
4103 400 Transaction rejected due to Varma prepaid check HTTP request status not OK




Transaction rejected due to Varma prepaid check did not find MSISDN

Transaction declined due transactions with MSISDN are not allowed please use the transaction ID

Air server returned error , Below minimum balance