Campaign Guidance - Cyprus

Cyprus - Campaign Guidance

Please take note of the regulator -


When creating a campaign in Cyprus, you should have the following points visible and approximate to the call to action:

  • Price.
  • How to opt out and cancel the service. The word STOP must be displayed in capitals.
  • Customer care details must be visible.
  • Tick box that must be unticked, enabling the user to click it to confirm that they accept the Terms and Conditions and understand the cost of the service.

GR: Έχω λάβει γνώση των όρων χρήσης και των όρων διαγωνισμού και αποδέχομαι να ενεργοποιήσω τη συνδρομητική υπηρεσία δώδεκα SMS/μήνα, κάθε SMS δύο ευρώ και τρία λεπτά (incl.Vat)

EN: I have read and accept the terms and conditions of the service, twelve message per month, two euros and 3 cents per message. 

  • The name of the service provider must be displayed on the landing page.
  • State that the fee will be added to the user’s phone bill or deducted from their pre-paid credit.
  • Terms and Conditions disclaimer must be visible at the bottom of each webpage, throughout the flow:

18 + Χρέωση συνδρομητικής υπηρεσίας €2.03 ανά sms, 3 sms την εβδομάδα, (μη συμπεριλαμβανόμενων τα πάγια τέλη του δικτύου σας ) και θα πρέπει να έχετε την άδεια του κατόχου του τηλεφώνου. Για να τερματίσετε την υπηρεσία στείλτε OFF  KW στο short code. Διατηρούμε το δικαίωμα αποστολής προωθητικού υλικού που νομίζουμε ότι θα σας ενδιαφέρει. Για διαγραφή από τις προωθητικές μας λίστες στείλτε OFF LISTS στο short code. Πάροχος Υπηρεσίας SERVICE PROVIDER NAME. Γραμμή Βοήθειας: XXXX XXXX. Email: help@XXXXXXXX


18 + This service costs €****per sms, 3 sms per week, total €**** per week (excluding your network operators standard network charges) You must have the bill payer’s permission. Users must prove that they have been verified by their network operator in order gain access to THIS content. To unsubscribe text OFF KW to SHORT CODE. We reserve the right to contact individuals with occasional promotional material that we may think you would have an interest in. To unsubscribe from our promotional list send OUT to short code. Service Provided by {Service provider name}. Helpline:   XXXX XXXX. Email: help@ XXXXXXXX   
  • The confirmation button must state the following:


EN: Confirm

  • A cancellation button can be displayed which must redirect the consumer away from the payment page, for example to Google page.


EN: Cancel

  • Confirmation page can be displayed
  • Full Terms and Conditions link to be visible and working.
  •  All promotional material, messages and content must be displayed in the local, Greek (Cypriot Greek) language.


There are several different marketing methods available in Cyprus, however you must ensure that you do not mis-lead consumers, advertise a service using an unrelated banner or state that something is free, when that is not the case. You will need to provide our Compliance Team with information on your marketing plans, along with copies of any and all banners that you intend to use.

If you plan to use the customer's details to market to them in the future, you must gain permission from the user and ensure that you provide them with a clear and simple method to opt-out. 

Opt-in Flows

  • MO opt-in - This is available for one-time services, single transactions only.
  • PIN opt-in - This is required for subscription services. The PIN message will be sent out by the operator, the flow will look like this:
  1. User enters their MSISDN
  2. User receives message containing the PIN
  3. User enters the PIN into the website
  4. User receives a free message, asking to reply OK
  5. User sends OK
  6. The user is now subscribed, the welcome message and billed messages can be sent.

Message Flow

Pin and Double opt-in messages are sent by the networks.

All messages sent to the consumer must be in Greeklish and in CAPITALS. 

Welcome for subscriptions: 

  • GR: ΣYΓXAPHTHPIA ΓIA THN EΓΓPAΦH ΣTHN YΠHPEΣIA {Name of the service} XP. €2.03/MNM, 3MNM/EBΔ. ΔIAΓPAΦH ME {OFF or STOP} ΣTO S/C THΛ. EΞYΠ 80095365 {service provider name}
  • EN: THANK YOU FOR SUBSCRIBING TO THE SERVICE {Name of the service} CH. € 2,03 / SMS, 3SMS/WEEK. UNSUBSCRIPTION SEND STOP TO S/C HELPLINE ***** {service provider name}

Billed messages x 3: SENT BY YOU. These messages must be slightly different to ensure that the user is aware that each message is intentional and part of the service.

  • Message 1 EN: Your test link is {WEB LINK}
  • Message 2 EN: This is your link Download Now!! {WEB LINK}
  • Message 3 GR: KATEBAΣTE TΩPA !! {WEB LINK}
  • Message 3EN: Download now!! {WEB LINK}

Reminder: SENT BY YOU. This should be sent out every month, free and separate to the billed messages. The service name, price and support details should be included.

  • GR: EIΣAI ΣYNΔPOMHTHΣ ΣTHN YΠHPEΣIA {name of the service}. {Insert price and support details}
  • EN: You are subscribed to the service {name of the service}. {Insert price and support details}

Stop: A free confirmation message must be sent when the consumer cancels the service.

  • EN: You have successfully unsubscribed from our list

Customer care / Refund Policy

All service providers must have a detailed Customer Care Process and Refund Policy in place.
You need to ensure that the process is in place for consumers to gain help should they require it, along with a refund policy for those that require one or are eligible for one.

This will be discussed in detail, to ensure that our customer care team can resolve any queries that are received from the networks or regulator.

Question? Speak with our Compliance Team for any advice for this or any other market.