Optional parameters (All Requests)

Optional Parameters (All Requests)

The following parameters can be sent through with each API call you make, depending on what you want to achieve.

Variable Name Example Description Restrictions Default
id JB-123 A unique identifier (generated by you) of the transaction from your platform. This ID will be sent to you on subsequent
post backs, under the variable 'key' .
Max length: 150 characters. null
brand Joe Bloggs Ltd The trading name of the company who will be making the charge.  This must be pre-approved and arranged through the MessageCloud support team. Max length: 30 characters. MessageCloud 
window large The type of Payforit window to render for the consumer.  large small
msisdn 44744665537 If you know the MSISDN of the consumer you can pre-populate the MSISDN field of the Payforit window using
this parameter.
marketing 1 Ask the consumer whether they would like to be included on marketing information from your company Can be either  1 or 0. 1
confirmation 1 When the purchase is made, should the consumer see the confirmation page including the  marketing (above)
Can be either  1 or 0. 0
terms http://yourserver.com/
Displayed to end users in the small print at the bottom of each window generated. Must be URL encoded http://www.txtnation.
campaign_id 1234 Use your brand logo instead of text. This must be your merchant logo NOT a logo of the product. For best results,
images should be 440px x 40px.
Must be pre-approved by compliance for some campaigns null